Dalton Water Association


We are located at:

Dalton Water Association, Inc.
6360 N. 4th Street
Dalton Gardens, ID 83815
(208) 772-5639 – Phone (Serviced 24/7)
(208) 772-4568 – Fax


Dalton Water Association, Inc. is the drinking (potable) water system. All water that is supplied by the association whether used for drinking or irrigation is drinking water quality.

Water meters are read monthly. Credit is not given for any portion of the water allotment not used by the end of the
month and all water used in excess of the monthly allotment is billed an excess rate. The current water allotment is
10,000 gallons per month. Please click the Water Fee Schedule button above for current rate information.

Statements are mailed, or emailed, calendar quarterly with payment due before, or by, the end of the billing month. Billing months are January, April, July and October. Quarterly statements include the quarterly base rate for up to the allotted monthly water usage. The quarterly base rate is billed in advance of each quarter. If applicable, the quarterly statement could also include an excess charge if usage over the monthly allotment occurs. The excess charge is billed in arrears of the prior quarter. Additional, each January, we collect a monitoring fee mandated by the Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality. This fee is assessed for each active connection on our system and is the collected by the Association and paid directly to the Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality.

E-BILLING IS AVAILABLE – To request this option, please email us at officemanager@daltonwaterassociation.com with your name, account number, service address and telephone number.

ONLINE PAYMENT IS AVAILABLE – Payments can be made via this website by clicking on the Home tab then click on the water faucet. Make your desired payment amount securely 24/7. If you do not have your account number handy,
please note your service address in the account section of the online payment form. (Please be aware that if you wish
to set up an auto/recurring payment, you will need to set the amount of the payment. The online payment option is not
connected to our billing system.)

    Dalton Water Association, Inc.
    6360 N. 4th St., Dalton Gardens, ID 83815
    Phone: (208) 772-5639
    Business Hours: 10AM-5PM Tues, Wed, Thurs.

Dalton Water Association